
The Collegio S. Isidoro was inaugurated in 1955, at the express wish of Father Agostino Gemelli, founder of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Located in the immediate vicinity of the Piacenza branch of the Catholic University, the College has undergone numerous changes and renovations over the years, also due to the increase in enrolments and the construction of the women's wing (opened in 2001). In September 2012 the accommodation offer was increased with the opening of the Aurelia Gasparini University Residence, (the Columbine), which, in addition to rooms for students and female students, houses a small conference centre (the Barn) and the campus guesthouse. The Collegio Sant'Isidoro and the Residence constitute a single collegiate community.

Since September 2013, with the closure of the road separating the college from the university and the concomitant creation of green areas, the Piacenza campus has become to all intents and purposes a seamless university campus. Its position adjacent to the Catholic University creates a highly fervourful aggregative pole, characterised by continuous exchanges and activities.

The facilities offer single rooms with bathroom and wi-fi service, kitchens and laundries in the dormitory areas, large common areas - study and recreation rooms - and the right-to-study services provided by EDUCatt, such as the catering service (available to all U.C.S. students), the health centre and the psychological support service.

Since 2012, the management of the college has been entrusted to EDUCatt, the university's right-to-study organisation.

USEfemale and male
BEDS: 165 (all single rooms with bathroom)
Tel: 0523.621111

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen
  • Bed linen (with laundry service charge)

What to bring from home:

  • Bath linens

Entra in Collegio

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Institutional bodies

Direction St Isidore College and Gasparini Residence
Director: Dr Grazia Satta
Deputy Director: Dr Mario Cappa
Assistant Director St. Isidore College: Dr. Alessandro Baschirotto
Assistant Director St. Isidore College: Mr. Francesco Galantino
Assistant Director St Isidore College: Dr Francesco Pelusi
Assistant Director of the Sant'Isidoro College: Ms Rossella Solazzo
Assistant Director Gasparini Residence: Dr Roberta Bertelli
Assistant Director Gasparini Residence: Ms Arianna Giansante

Spiritual Assistant: Fr Roberto Maier

Chairing the Student Assembly
Presidente: Nicolaj Franceschi
Vice-Presidentessa: Sara de Petra

The President presides over the Student Assembly and ensures its orderly conduct; presides over and coordinates the Organising Committee; represents the collegiate community and its interests within the Sant'Isidoro College Alumni Association. The Vice-President collaborates with the President in the performance of his duties and takes his place in the event of his absence. He is defined according to Section II in Art. 15 of the Rules of Procedure.

Responsabile: Aurelio Lamiranda

The treasurer is responsible for the administration of the fund for internal activities. In addition, he is in charge of drawing up a document in which he certifies the expenses incurred and sends semi-annual reports to the College Management.

Cultural Commission
Responsabile: Francesca Chiara Preite

The cultural activities committee proposes cultural initiatives: conferences, in-depth meetings, film forums, coordinates the theatre project, and promotes visits to museums. It also takes care of the order and routine maintenance of the Library and the Newspaper Room, in which the community can make use of the journals and periodicals that are instrumental to the academic course. It contributes to the collection and publication of the college's proceedings.

Liturgical-Charitable Commission
Responsabile: Demetrio Pellicanò

The Liturgical-Charitable Commission proposes and organises religious and philanthropic initiatives. It coordinates charitable activities in agreement with associations scattered throughout the territory, organises meetings with exponents of ecclesiastical life, and coordinates the choir. It also takes care of the liturgical aspect of collegiate life, helping with the organisation of masses.

Recreational Commission
Responsabile: Linda Spagnolo

The Recreation Commission promotes, monitors and organises events at particular times during the course of the year: it organises parties outings and recreational moments during the year, coordinates working groups, and is active in the selection and purchase of gadgets. It also collaborates in the collection and publication of photographic and audiovisual material concerning the relevant events.

Logistical/Housing Commission
Responsabile: Tommaso Ravaioli

The Housing-Logistics Commission proposes initiatives of a logistical nature: it proposes the renovation of common rooms in order to enhance the functionality of the rooms to the needs of the students, ordinary maintenance of the common rooms, takes care of the logistical aspect of the organisation of events proposed by the other commissions, and takes care of updating the internal regulations of the common rooms. It also looks after the tidiness and routine maintenance of the Library in consultation with the Cultural Commission. It looks after the photo competition and the installation of the winning photographs.

Sports Commission
Responsabile: Maria Vittoria Valdata

The Sports Activities Committee proposes and organises events of a sporting nature, takes care of the tidiness and routine maintenance of the gymnasium and games room, and collaborates in the collection and publication of photographic and printed material relating to sporting events.

Commissione aree verdi
Responsabile: Paolo Salvatore Ripa

The committee, which was set up at the Student Assembly held on 3 October 2016 Green Areas, promotes, monitors and organises events relating to the "Kitchen Garden" area: it deals with the sustainability project, organises activities concerning the college's green areas, takes care of the tidying up and routine maintenance of the "Kitchen Garden" area organises the garden festival, organises meetings concerning sustainability issues. It collaborates in the collection and publication of photographic and printed material concerning the relevant events.

Social Commission
Responsible: Francesca Barbone

The committee, established during the Student Assembly of 24 September 2019, collaborates with the other committees in order to resonate and publicise the activities organised; follows the development of the activities and publicises their content on the social channels of the Collegio Sant'Isidoro and the Gasparini Residence; handles relations with the colleges in the promotion of the activities and takes care of relations with external parties.

Inter-collegiate Organisational Council

Sara Apazzi
Francesco Albera
Linda Cipriani
Giuditta Gigante
Anna Trasino
An inter-collegiate Organisational Council is established in each seat to promote common cultural, spiritual, recreational and sports activities in order to foster experiences of relationship and community growth in line with the Formative Project. (Article 26 of the Rules).

Mission Statement

Training Project

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Collegio S. Isidoro is located at Via dell'Anselma 7 - 29100 Piacenza.