
The San Damiano, located just a few minutes' walk from the entrance to the 'Agostino Gemelli' Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, boasts modern and functional premises, thanks to a radical renovation carried out in 2006. This made it possible to renovate the rooms and common areas with kitchens, TV rooms, laundry, study and reading rooms, PCs, video library and library. Free Wi-Fi is provided.
The educational offer, proposed by the team led by the Head of the College in collaboration with the students' assembly, is realised through a variety of activities: moments of scientific and cultural in-depth study, specific courses, volunteer initiatives, guided tours, sports tournaments and other recreational activities that offer students the opportunity to improve their knowledge, skills, abilities; and to cultivate various interests. Added to this is the possibility of participating in spiritual moments thanks to the valuable presence of the pastoral assistant.

USE: male
BEDS: 62, mostly in a double room with bathroom
Tel: 06.3500001

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen
  • Bed linen (with laundry service charge)

What to bring from home:

  • Bath linens
  • Crockery and cookware

Entra in Collegio

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Institutional bodies

Director: Dr. Luca Giustozzi
Deputy Director: Mr. Alberto Fileppo
Assistant Director: Mr. Mattia Castrovillari
Pastoral assistant: Don Paolo Bonini

EDUCatt. representative Dr Rita Lucia Montrone

Student Presidency
President: Ciro Matteo L'Assainato
Vice-president: Luca Locorotondo
The president, with the cooperation of the vice-president, represents all the students of the College for the entire academic year. He/she convenes the student assembly by setting the agenda and ensuring that it is conducted in a disciplined manner, as well as taking the minutes.

Freshman Tutor: Raffaele Peluso
Members of the Intercollegiate Council (IOC): Artiom Noto, Francesco Ferrari

Culture Commission

Responsible: Artiom Noto
Members of the commission: Luigi Martino, Giovanni De Cicco, Nicola Pinto, Andrea Abbattista, Rocco Daquino, Marco Scorrano, Vincenzo Vescera, Raffaele Peluso, Francesco Tagarelli

The Culture Commission is responsible for facilitating the College's enjoyment of everything that may be of cultural interest: from organising film forums and meetings to organising cultural outings. It also deals with the purchase of new titles to enrich the College's video library and library.

Liturgical Commission

Responsible: Francesco Ferrari
Members of the commission: Pietro Schirano, Francesco Galatà, Eros Calisto, Francesco Tagarelli

The Commission, in synergy with the Pastoral Assistant, deals with the organisation and logistical support of liturgical events such as midweek Mass or the preparation of the Nativity scene. The Commission also aims to raise awareness among the collegiate students by involving them in charitable activities such as football matches with fundraising or the collection of used clothing.

Logistics Commission

Responsible: Davide Perrone
Members of the commission: Pierfrancesco Pulito, Riccardo Maranò, Giuseppe Russo, Antonino Di Giacomo

The Commission's objective is to improve and beautify the College's common areas and to this end it collaborates with the other Commissions. It also takes care of the management of the computer media, such as PCs and printers, at the disposal of the collegians, as well as taking care of the photo-video documentation of activities and events taking place at the College.

Recreational Commission

Responsible: Simone Congedo
Members of the commission: Vladimir Bogdan Elisovetschi, Vincenzo Vescera, Gianmarco Polito, Francesco Pio Inno, Pasquale D'Acunzi, Pasquale Ambrosio, Giuseppe Notaro, Nicola Caliandro, Ferdinando Sagliocco, Alessandro Guadalupi, Samuele Paga

The Recreational Commission takes care of the recreational aspect of collegiate life. Every year it organises internal College sports tournaments (five-a-side football, basketball, volleyball, table-football, chess, tennis, table tennis) and proposes theme game evenings. It also organises parties and get-togethers open to those outside the College.

Social Commission

Responsible: Giuseppe Maioriello
Members of the commission: Guido Greco, Octavian Zgardan, Nicola Caliandro, Giuseppe Notaro

Mission Statement

Training Project

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The college is located at Via Villa Maggiorani, 16 - 00168 Rome.