The Paul VI College was founded in the 1960s thanks to the will of the pope of the same name, designed by Giò Ponti. The residence is located in a quiet period neighbourhood not far from the Catholic University, which can therefore be reached in a few minutes on foot or by public transport.


The Paul VI College was founded in the 1960s thanks to the will of the pope of the same name, designed by Giò Ponti. The residence is located in a quiet period neighbourhood not far from the Catholic University, which can therefore be reached in a few minutes on foot or by public transport.

Numerous common spaces are available to the students, aimed at sharing and creating a cohesive community in constant fervour.

The rooms, most of which are single with private bathroom, make it possible to combine the need for normal privacy with the possibility of sharing spaces in which to stay as a group, such as the kitchens available on each floor.

USE: female
BEDS: 141, mostly single rooms with private bathroom
Tel: 02.499631

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen
  • Bed linen (with laundry service charge)

What to bring from home:

  • Bath linens


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Coming soon: video tour soon available

Institutional bodies

Director: Sister Sara Ghiglioni
Deputy Director: Dr Rebecca Maria Maletta
Assistant Directors: Dr Maria Francesca Pavone, Dr Sara Valentino, Dr Marianna Odello
Spiritual Assistant: Brother Renato Delbono o.f.m.

President: Francesca De Angelis
Vice President: Maria Vittoria Di Michele

The theme chosen to live this academic year in collegiate reality is: 'Keep Time'.
President Francesca De Angelis and Vice-President Maria Vittoria Di Michele represent all colleges for the entire academic year.
Their main tasks are to convene the general assembly of the collegiate bodies, setting the agenda and regulating its proceedings, and to draw up the minutes thereof.
They also chair the organisational committee and coordinate the activities of the various committees, working closely with their leaders.
They must always be present and available, and above all, try to meet the needs, problems and requests of the collegians.

Cultural Commission
Responsible: Elena Corvitto, Clara Dominici
The cultural commission has the task of making it easier for collegiate students to enjoy anything that may be of cultural interest. This is done not only through the management of the library and the promotion of conferences and debates, but also by giving visibility to external initiatives such as theatre performances, exhibitions, concerts, etc.
It is organised into various sub-committees, such as the publication of the college's internal journal, the organisation of the book club and the cineforum.

Recreational Commission
Responsible: Giulia Metoldo, Beatrice Zocco
The Recreation Commission devotes its efforts to creating spaces for recreation beyond the daily study sessions. Some of the proposed activities

  • organisation of internal college parties;
  • realisation of film forums;

Liturgical Commission
Responsible: Sara Marullo, Gloria Romanelli
The liturgical commission aims to define the spiritual itinerary of the collegiate community during the academic year. Precisely:

  • participation in the weekly Eucharist celebrated in the college chapel and other moments of common prayer;
  • the preparation for the festivities of Holy Christmas and Easter and moments of community celebration also shared with other colleges during the high season of Advent and Lent;
  • care of celebrations relating to significant moments of the liturgical year: Christmas, St Angela Merici, Easter.

Housing Commission
Responsible: Rosamaria Agnello, MariaLuigia Scurti
The purpose of the housing commission is, through the updating and maintenance of the boarding school's interior (kitchens, TV room, common areas and courtyard), to optimise the logistic and environmental conditions for a comfortable stay, in compliance with the internal rules and regulations, as well as the individual needs of each boarding school member. The committee, in the person of the person in charge and his or her collaborator, is also the liaison body between the boarders, the housekeeper and all EDUCatt staff working at the boarding school.

Volunteer Commission
Responsible: Clelia Dell'Amico, Simona Ranieri
The Volunteer Commission was created with the intention of conveying the desire to put oneself at the service of others. Its ultimate goal is therefore to create a culture of volunteering and an awareness of others in everyday life, through experience and information.
The primary instrument for achieving these goals is voluntary work, which allows us to touch the various realities of suffering and discomfort present in our society. It takes the form of collaboration with certain structures such as the I.R.D.A. (I Ragazzi Dell'Arcobaleno) and the Be Present project within the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Intercultural Commission
Responsible: Vittoria Lucotti, Anting Wang

The establishment of the Intercultural Commission is intended to contribute to the integral formation of the person, also responding to the needs of girls from foreign countries to get involved in collegiate life.
The objectives of this new committee are to integrate and include female students in the activities of the training project and to stimulate female students to take an active role in the committee.
The group is heterogeneous, made up of girls from foreign countries and Italian girls, and the type of activities proposed takes its cue from the other commissions already present in the college, with particular attention to the cultural background of the foreign girls. In this way, all the commissions are called upon to collaborate and discuss the events planned.

Freshmen representatives: Maria Antonietta Mangiarano, Clara Spina

Treasurer: Chiara Cuomo, Sara Laurita
The Treasury takes care of the economic and accounting management of the college; at the end of the year, it draws up a balance sheet of internal activities.

Mission Statement

Training Project

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The Paul VI College is located at Via Andrea Verga, 9 - 20144 Milan.