College Preliminaries: College Draft kicks off in Milan and Rome

In May, at the Milan and Rome venues, the College Draft, the pre-admission competition to the Colleges and University Residences of the Catholic University, for the academic year 2023/2024.
This is an opportunity aimed at prospective freshmen on three-year or single-cycle degree courses, which will enable them to compete for a place at the colleges and residences of the two campuses.

1 1500x1500 college camp 2023 College Prelims: College Draft kicks off in Milan and Rome

With regard to the Milan is, the application is online with a deadline of 1 p.m. on Monday 8 May 2023 (the procedure is available MyEDUCatt area).

For the campus of for the campus of Rome,, the application is online with a deadline of 1 p.m. on Friday 19 May 2023 (the procedure is available MyEDUCatt area).

For more details about the College Draft modalities, please check the dedicated web area.

Concerning the campuses of Brescia and Piacenza,, the appointment to apply for a place at the colleges and residences of the Università Cattolica, will be in July with College Camp 2023, which will also represent a further opportunity for all the freshmen from Milan and Rome who did not compete for a place in May.
The procedure for participation in the subsequent College Camp will be online approximately in the June-July period, following the publication of the dedicated Call for Proposals.

All updates will be published in the dedicated web area.