eCollege Book Delivery
The support service for the retrieval of paper or digital texts in favour of students who have not returned or are not in College.
To support students of all Colleges and the Buonarroti Residence who are not or have not yet returned to their accommodation, EDUCatt provides eCollege Book delivery the new support service for the retrieval of paper or digital texts.
By filling in the online form available at this link you can request the free home delivery the student of the volumes available for the EDUCatt book loan provided in the library; after the appropriate checks, the loan is handled according to the regulations already in force with the possibility of returning the volumes at the end of the emergency or upon return to the College. Volumes are delivered with courier to the domicile indicated by the student.
In the event of paper lending being impossible (unavailable copies, delivery difficulties, titles not in the EDUCatt library catalogue), the service can activate a search for digital resources and indicate to the student how to find it free of charge on the platforms available in Università Cattolica or EDUCatt (Medialibrary, Pandoracampus, EBSCO, De Jure, etc.).
Find out how the service works by visiting the dedicated area of the site.