
Ker Maria responds to the dictates of Father Agostino Gemelli, who conceived of the Colleges as laboratories for the integral maturation of the person to be placed alongside the individual's daily academic studies.

The College has single and double rooms, with common areas, kitchen, TV room, laundry, video library, library, a PC point on each floor, study rooms.
Each year an educational project is proposed that requires dialogue and personal exchange between the students, under the supervision of a management team. This encourages the complete growth of the individual through cultural and seminar activities, and volunteer initiatives. Added to this is the possibility of participating in spiritual moments thanks to the valuable presence of the pastoral assistant.

USE: female
BEDS: 73, mostly in a double room with bathroom
Tel: 06.3060811

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen
  • Bed linen (with laundry service charge)

What to bring from home:

  • Bath linens
  • Personal hygiene products
  • Cleaning products
  • Winter duvet
  • LAN cable
  • Tableware
  • Cookware for induction

Entra in Collegio

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Institutional bodies


Director: Sister Valeria Bologna
Vice-director: Sister Bianca Maria Giulia Ronchieri
Assistant Director: Miss Noemi Dilillo
Pastoral Assistant: Don Giacomo Pompei

Student Presidency
President: Giorgia Capozza
Vice-President and Treasurer: Ivonne Di Dio and Alessia Giarratano

The president, with the cooperation of the vice-president, represents all the students of the College for the entire academic year. He/she convenes the student assembly by setting the agenda and ensuring that it is conducted in a disciplined manner, as well as taking the minutes.

Cultural Commission
Responsible: Emilia Monaco
Deputy Head: Agnese Monteforte

The Cultural Commission bases its commitment on organising cultural events at the College and participating in exhibitions, theatre performances and other events held in the city of Rome. Over the years, various tools have been used: scientific exhibitions, shows, musicals, film forums and meetings on current topics and the 'roots' of the University. All activities always aim to combine a moment of education, cultural growth and comparison with other collegiate students with a moment of relaxation and recreation.

Liturgical Commission
Responsible: Grazia Casavola
Deputy manager: Barbara Gattuso

The Liturgical Commission offers the opportunity for the students to experience the beauty of being "gathered in His name", to listen to that Word which each week has to tell how one can face life together with Him. The team animates the liturgy with the reading of passages from the Word of God, the choice of prayers, songs, small gestures that, during the offertory, make the collegiate girls directly participate. It has produced a booklet organising the songs according to the various liturgical times. The choir proposes and teaches new songs to the assembly.

Charity Commission
Responsible: Cinzia Palmisano
Deputy Head: Giovanna Lisi

The Charity Commission deals with intra- and inter-collegiate volunteer initiatives. The collection of blankets and basic necessities to be donated to the Sant'Egidio community, the delivery of gifts, with moments of animation, at the paediatrics ward of the Policlinico Gemelli are just some of the activities that the girls organise, becoming aware of the needs closest to them, to share moments together and, with small gestures, help someone.

Recreational Commission
Responsible: Fiorella Marasciulli
Deputy Head: Paola Pagano

The Recreational Commission organises recreational events and evenings that are set annually in the Ker Maria tradition. Specifically, they organise the tombola (where we play bingo and exchange small gifts), Karaoke night, St. Donat's dinner (where the freshmen prepare a hearty dinner for all the collegiate girls), the play party (with table football, ping pong and board games) and finally the Spring party, which closes an intense year of activities and wonderful experiences.

Logistical/Housing Commission
Responsible: Michela Albino
Deputy Head: Mariaeugenia Robbe

The Housing Commission aims, through the updating and maintenance of the boarding school's internal environments (kitchens, TV room, common areas, rooms), to optimise the logistical and environmental conditions for a comfortable stay in the community, while respecting the internal rules and regulations as well as the individual needs of each boarding school member.

Sports Commission
Responsible: Anna Losito
Deputy Head: Mariarosa Rizzelli

The sports commission keeps the boarding schools 'active' by organising internal volleyball, foosball and table tennis tournaments throughout the year. What unites us on these occasions will not only be the tournaments but also a uniform, which the commission takes charge of designing, to be worn by all the collegiate girls. During the month of May, in preparation for the Collegiadiorganises two weeks of intense training.

Intercollegiate Organisational Council
Lavinia Gaetani
Tania Abbinante

Mission Statement

Training Project

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The College is located at Via Eugenio Tanzi, 67 - 00135 Rome.