Aperte le iscrizioni per l’ammissione e la riammissione a Collegi e Residenze per l’a.a. 2024/2025

Registration is now open for admission and re-admission to Colleges and Residences for the academic year 2024/2025

English version here Prende il via il Concorso per l’ammissione e la riammissione ai Collegi e alle Residenze dell’Università Cattolica. È possibile scaricare il bando di concorso a questo indirizzo e presentare la relativa domanda online disponibile nell’area personale MyEDUCatt. La prima ammissione ai Collegi e Residenze prevede in ogni sede universitaria lo svolgimento di

Manifesto Contest del Collegio Ludovicianum "Dall'isolamento al viaggio: evadere al tempo del Covid-19"

Ludovicianum College 2020 Photo Contest

EDUCatt promotes and supports the second edition of the photo contest Dall'isolamento al viaggio: evadere al tempo del Covid-19, an initiative conceived by the students of the Collegio Ludovicianum. This photographic contest aims to invite students to narrate, through photography, their way of escaping, concretely and/or in their imagination, from the isolation imposed by the health emergency caused by the Coronavirus, demonstrating that, when

Vademecum for returning to Colleges and University Residences

Vademecum for returning to Colleges and University Residences

Following ACRU directives, EDUCatt has prepared a vademecum to illustrate the new rules of conduct aimed at ensuring the maximum safety of people involved in collegiate communities. In order to continue to guarantee the maximum safety of people involved in collegiate communities, the Association of Colleges and University Residences (ACRU) has prepared some useful tools and rules of