Readmission to University Colleges and Residences a.y. 2020/2021

Readmission to University Colleges and Residences a.y. 2020/2021

The new Announcement for the academic year 2020/21 is now available. It contains all the specifications and updates regarding the necessary requirements and the terms/methods of readmission to the College. Students interested in reconfirming their hospitality at the facilities may submit an online application for readmission by accessing the MyEDUCatt portal. The deadline for submitting the application is Friday 10 July 2020. By that

Manifesto Contest del Collegio Ludovicianum "Dall'isolamento al viaggio: evadere al tempo del Covid-19"

Ludovicianum College 2020 Photo Contest

EDUCatt promotes and supports the second edition of the photo contest Dall'isolamento al viaggio: evadere al tempo del Covid-19, an initiative conceived by the students of the Collegio Ludovicianum. This photographic contest aims to invite students to narrate, through photography, their way of escaping, concretely and/or in their imagination, from the isolation imposed by the health emergency caused by the Coronavirus, demonstrating that, when

Notice of competition 100 merit scholarships 2020/2021

UCSC Merit Scholarships a.y. 2020/2021

Registration is now open for the National Merit Scholarship Competition promoted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the "Giuseppe Toniolo" Institute for Advanced Studies with the support of the EDUCatt Foundation. Registration is now open for the initiative 100 Scholarships + 100 Study Awards for Merit only, promoted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the "Giuseppe Toniolo" Institute