
With a massive intervention, but particularly attentive to the impact on the landscape and environmental sustainability, the Università Cattolica has renovated the former 'La Colombina' farm in Via dell'Anselma 9, transforming it into a university residence, with the aim of integrating the offer of accommodation for university students.

The 52 single rooms located behind Collegio S. Isidoro are intended for students and scholars who need to attend the university campus, with a housing model that reinforces the University's ability to offer opportunities for national and international cultural exchange and the formation of a stimulating environment for personal growth and research. 

The organisation of the new residence, which provides, among other things, 3 collective dining kitchens, approximately 115 square metres for educational services, 390 for recreational services and 2,000 for parking, on a total area of approximately 13,000 metres, also makes it possible to host people and events destined for the local area, intensifying the points of contact with the urban fabric on several levels.

The facility is named 'Residenza Gasparini' in honour of Professor Aurelia Gasparini, a benefactor from Piacenza whose donation made the work possible. Its management is entrusted to EDUCatt.

The Gasparini Residence and its spaces have also been renovated in order to be able to offer the rooms also outside: with this in mind, the guesthouse service was created, which complements the traditional proposal of the Residenza in Città (whose access to students is regulated as usual through the Collegiate Competition).

The guesthouse has a dedicated website that you can consult here.

USE: male
BEDS: 52, in a single room with private facilities
PHONE: 0523.621111

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen
  • Bed linen (with laundry service charge)

What you bring from home:

  • Bath linens

Guesthouse Service

The facility also offers a guesthouse service for mixed male/female users, for short and/or long periods. Rates 2023/2024:

  • single rooms with private bathroom (prices per room per night) for lecturers of the Catholic University € 45.00, family members of students € 52.00, external guests € 65.00.


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The college is located at Str. Anselma, 9 - 29122 Piacenza PC.