
The Renzi boarding house is run by the Sisters Maestre Pie dell'Addolorata and is named after the foundress of the mother institute, Elisabette Renzi, who was beatified in 1989 by John Paul II.

The building was built after World War II as a nursery and primary school operating in the Monte Mario area, and still continues to perform this function today.

Since 2007, following an agreement with the Diritto allo Studio of the Università Cattolica, the residence spaces have also been open to students from the University's Rome campus.

In addition to the choice of single or double rooms, guests can enjoy the dining room with a fully equipped kitchen, the TV room and a reading area.

USE: female
BEDS: 18, mostly in a single room with private facilities
PHONE: 06.35500850

What you find on-site:

  • Common kitchen

What you bring from home:

  • Bath linens


01 rome renzi


The college is located at Via Augusto Tebaldi, 24 - 00168 Rome.