
This residence, which has an agreement with EDUCatt, is located in an exclusive area of Rome from which one can easily reach the campus. Inside a structure run by the Sisters of Charity of Saints B. Capitanio and V. Gerosa, there is a wing reserved for female students of the Catholic University.

The rooms, most of which are single with private bathrooms, are all air-conditioned and have internet access. The college also benefits from the presence of a large park, which, together with the common rooms, offers students the possibility of having spaces for sharing free time and group study.

USE: female
BEDS: 30, mostly in a single room with private bathroom
TEL: 06.3294273

What you find in the facility:

  • Common kitchen

What to bring from home:

  • Bathroom linen


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The college is located at Via della Camilluccia 740 - 00135 Rome.